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Financial Aid

Tuition & Financial Aid

At HHCI, you will find a variety of financial aid options to fund your education. You will also be supported by knowledgeable staff that will help you through the process, including assisting you with private foundations grant tuition funding, employer tuition reimbursement, veteran’s tuition funding, other government career training funding as applicable.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition and fees vary by career certificate/diploma program because programs at HHCI are tailored to the specific needs of the adults in each career field.

The Licensed Practical Nursing Program Tuition & Fees

Pre-Enrollment Fees

Type Fee
 Entrance Testing  $150.00
 Enrollment Application Processing  $350.00

Program Tuition Charges & Fees

Program Costs - The total program costs are the estimated average costs over the duration of the program, excluding any scholarship or tuition reductions, for students completing the program on time. These costs can vary based on the number of credits. Typically, tuition and fees are subject to change annually.

Item Cost
 Tuition  $18,975.00
 Supplies & Fees  $6,025.00
 Room & Board  N/A
 Total Program Tuition Charges & Fees  $25,000.00

Median Loan Debt - The following is the median amount borrowed by all students who completed the program between September 6, 2016, and August 31, 2017. The amount borrowed may include tuition as well as support and supplies costs.

Loan Amount
 Title IV Program Loans  $10,079.00
 Private Educational Loans  N/A
 Institutional Financing Plan  $8,645.00

Funding Options

Students enrolled at HHCI have a variety of options to fund their education.

The Guide to Federal Student Aid

HEERF Grant Quarterly Report – Student Portion

Determining Your Monthly Loan Repayment

HEERF Grant Quarterly Report – Institution Portion

Federal Financial Aid Option

Federal Financial Aid is available to qualified students who apply to the program.

FAFSA Information — Click Here

College Navigator — Click Here


Specific Information to Apply for Federal Financial Aid

Federal School Code: 042630

Specific Information to Apply for Federal Financial Aid

Student Loan Repayment Counseling Outreach

Other Funding Options

Bi-Weekly Payment Plans

HHCI provides students with an alternative to paying the full program tuition and fees upon enrollment. Through a Bi-weekly Payment Plan, you may spread the cost of your tuition and fees over multiple biweekly payments (up to a maximum of 9 months). The Bi-weekly Payment Plan is considered a loan; therefore, it attracts interest costs (up to a maximum of 18% Annual Percentage Rate). There is no credit check involved; however, a minimum down payment of 25% of the program tuition and fees is required at the time of enrollment. Students using this program are provided with all requisite disclosures prior to the signing of the promissory note.

Simplify your school expenses with:

> Convenient bi-weekly payments that allow you to pay tuition in manageable installments.
> Multiple bi-weekly payment plan of up to 9 months.  

Approved Document

In addition to the above-mention tuition financing options, HHCI has partnered with several private and public organizations that offer grants to qualified students.

Public Funding — Veterans Benefits

HHCI is proud of its history of serving the educational needs of men and women in the armed forces of the United States. By providing access to high-quality health career educational programs, HHCI has become the choice of many veterans and active-duty servicemen and servicewomen.

Veterans Benefits are currently not available. However, HHCI is working to make this financial program available to qualified applicants.

Public Funding — Workforce Development

HHCI is affiliated with several Local Workforce Investment Boards in Massachusetts to provide workforce development grants to eligible Massachusetts residents. In the last five years, several eligible Massachusetts residents attending our Licensed Practical Nursing program received grants from these Local Workforce Investment Boards that covered partial or full program tuition and fees. Our team of knowledgeable staff will assist you with the processing of the required documentation. You may visit http://www.mass.gov/mwib for more information about available workforce development funding in Massachusetts.

Private Funding

Private career educational grants are also available to students. In the last several years, students enrolled in our Licensed Practical Nursing program have received grants from private non-profit foundations.

Private Loans

Students may also obtain education loans from private entities (i.e., banks and other financial institutions). When choosing a private education loan, you should compare the loan terms offered by several lenders in order to choose the best fit for your situation. A resource for finding active private education loan programs is www.FinAid.org. When you choose your lender, make sure that HHCI is a participating school in its loan program.

Here are several points you should research when considering a private loan:

• What is the interest rate; is it fixed or variable; is the rate capped?
• What fees must be paid for this loan and when are they due?
• How will I receive my loan funds?
• When does repayment begin and is there a grace period?
• What will my monthly payment be?
• What will be the total cost if I use the full repayment period?
• Are there penalties for early repayment?
• Are there deferment, forbearance or cancellation options?

Note that certain private loan programs may require that HHCI certify your eligibility before approving your loan. If you receive financial aid, you must notify our office of any private loans you borrow as it may affect your aid eligibility.

Truth in Lending Act

Under the Federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA), your lender must provide you with the following documents:

Self-Certification Form: The “Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification form” must be completed before receiving your first disbursement of loan funds.
Final Disclosure and Right-to-Cancel Period: After you signed your “Promissory Note,” the Final Disclosure Statement confirms the terms and conditions of your loan.  At the time that this final disclosure is delivered, your "right-to-cancel" period begins. During this period of three days, you may cancel the loan by contacting the lender. The lender cannot release the first disbursement of your loan funds until the end of the right-to-cancel period.

To learn more about available funding options, please call the Admissions Office at 1-603-886-0822 or email at: info@harmony-health.org.